8 commandments every good husband is expected to keep

Marriage is a big deal and it takes more than beautiful words to keep it together. It is disheartening seeing many young couples give up their marriages without putting up much fight. Basically, people get married these days with the mindset of running out the moment they see anything ugly.

 Now, no one is asking you to suffer abuse and violence in your marriage, no one is asking you to keep quiet when things are really ugly. Speaking out sometimes does more good for you as you are able to ease off the burden and probably seek advice from those who have had similar experiences.

 In this society, women are the focal point of attention. They seem to be judged with every little thing they do. As a matter of fact, many feel it is totally up to the women when determining the success of an institution like marriage. For a change, why don’t we look at the roles the men have to play too. As far as we are concerned, there are some commandments the men are meant to keep if they are good husbands.

Making a marriage work is a joint action; no one should be burdened with the sole responsibility of making it work. Since the women have rules they must adhere to if they want to be regarded as good housewives, then the men should also follow the commandments every good husband is expected to keep. Find some of these commandments below:

 1. Never shout at your wife
The men in the society should learn to respect their wives and treat them right. There are some harsh words you would say that would birth arguments and fights.

 We understand that your position in the family is that of a leader, however, do not see your wives as subjects that you should bark others to. Remember, a gentle answer turns away wrath while the harsh words stir up anger.

2. Do not ever cheat on her
Many men may feel this is an impossible task, cheating has become a norm in the society that people hardly see anything wrong in it again. Remember that you made a covenant to her and to God the very first day you took her as your wife. If this does not mean anything to you, remember that adultery is a sin.

 3. Do not make her beg you for sex
We need not remind you of your duties to your wives; try as much as possible to leave them satisfied at all times. Even if you fail to do every other thing well, you should endeavor to see to her physical and sexual needs. As much as you claim her body is yours, she owns your body too. If you do not want her to cheat on you, then do not deprive her of this.

 4. Never disrespect your wife
Some men do know how to ridicule their wives; they shout at them every little chance they have. You should always learn to respect your wife; this would make outsiders respect her too. If you call her a mad woman publicly when you fight, then you would be referred to as the husband of the mad woman.

 5. Do not compare your wife to another woman Yes, we know there are thousands of women in your life; you know the fat ones, tall, slim, beautiful and ugly ones. Irrespective of these, you should never make negative remarks about your wife. If the beautiful lady you often compare her with was meant for you, God would have given her to you instead of your wife.

 6. Do not keep secrets from her
From the moment you swore ‘I Do’, you have become one with her. Do not hold anything back from her. She is your help-mate; your lives have become entwined. As much as you see her nakedness from time to time, you should let her see your nakedness too. Nakedness is symbolic here and it transcends the physical shedding of clothes.

 7. Always appreciate her
You should learn to appreciate your wives from time to time; many men stop being romantic the moment they get married. The only times they remember to buy their wives presents would be when they are pregnant or the moment they put to bed.

You do not expect her to be pregnant all year round, show them love and make them feel like you are still doing the chasing.

8. Do not stop loving her
You should learn to see your wife as the innocent young woman you got married to years back. You should understand the fact that her body changed because of childbirth.

 You should never let her body determine her worth; it is not possible for her to remain the sexy lady you got married to. Age will take its toll on her shape and curves.

But this should not diminish your love for her at all.

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