Tinubu ‘Abuja can’t help you win Ondo elections,’ APC leader tells aspirants

The National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu has advised governorship aspirants in Ondo state not to expect any help from Abuja to win the party’s primary elections in the state.

Tinubu made the comments via a statement released on Wednesday, August 31, 2016.

The statement reads:

“All those who have entered the contested primary have a chance to win. In the end, as with any political contest, only one person will be chosen. At the end of a fair and transparent process, our champion in the state will be selected from among this excellent field.”

“The key to the victory resides in how well you conduct yourselves after the primary. Joined in unified and fraternal purpose, there is no gathering or alignment of forces in the state that can best you. You must choose the history you seek. This cannot and will not be done in Abuja or anywhere else for that matter.

“You all know what is at stake. You all know what your conscience is telling you.  There can be no excuses or failure this time. The APC is the way of progress. Thus, let us make this progress hand in hand, united in our belief that we can make Ondo better.

“The APC must win the coming election and restore democracy and the virtues of public service to the seat of governance in the state. This is what the people desire and deserve. They have waited patiently. Now is the time to answer their call. This is our duty as a party and as people who care about their fellow man.

“The APC must go into the governorship as united in focus and purpose. All else is secondary to this objective. The journey to re-establishing governance for the people and for posterity begins with the primary this Saturday.

“Our mission is too important and too humane to allow ourselves to be divided or side-tracked. We must remember what is truly at stake. The process leading up to the primary has been robust and energetic. We have the good fortune of having numerous renown and able party members seek the nomination. This has led to keen competition. During such tight competition, tensions always mount and often-harsh things are spoken.

“But this back and forth, this committed dialogue, is an integral part of the democratic process. And it is this process that we have enshrined and shall cherish in this party.

“We must close ranks to achieve victory. The future of the state and of the party in the state should never be held ransom to insignificant personal animosities and perceived slights. We all must focus on what is more precious than our personal ambitions and more durable than our individual wishes. We must dedicate ourselves to uplifting this state and the very lives of the people of this state and nation. All is minor and a distraction in comparison to this sound goal.”

Tinubu had earlier been accused of causing trouble in the Ondo APC by attempting to impose a candidate.

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