How Ize-Iyamu lied against God concerning election result

The governorship election in Edo state has been completed with Godwin Obaseki of the APC declared the winner

But Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is resolute on reclaiming the mandate he says was stolen

Obaseki has now responded to Ize-Iyamu’s claim that he sought the face of God and that he was told to pursue the mandate till he retrieves it

The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the recently concluded governorship election in Edo state, Osagie Ize-Iyamu, recently announced that he consulted God after the result of the exercise was released in favour of Godwin Obaseki of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Obaseki receiving his certificate of return from INEC

He also said God categorically told him to pursue his case till his electoral mandate that was stolen is returned to him.

But in a reaction by Obaseki, as reported by the APC TV, Ize-Iyamu may have lied against God as the mandate never belonged to him in the first instance.

Obaseki said Ize-Iyamu, a pastor, had committed blasphemy, but that he is not surprised the PDP candidate would lie against God.

“These are signs of the end times as forewarned by the Holy Bible,’ Obaseki said in a statement by his principal press secretary, Mr John Mayaki, in Benin City, the Edo state capital.

“You never sought the face of God before, during and after the election let alone hearing from the Almighty God. I want to call on unsuspecting public to beware of political false prophets and pastors who lie in God’s name and who come to them in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

“We know them in PDP and we know the Pastor and his antecedents – Edo people know them by their fruits. Does Pastor Ize-Iyamu and PDP expect to gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles and reap orange and cherry? Let me remind them that every good tree bears good fruit while a corrupt tree bears evil fruit.

“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit – so also, God cannot speak to Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu and even if, not without repentance – a contrite heart.

“Edo people cannot be deceived by Pastor Ize-Iyamu’s importation of God’s name to hoodwink and whitewash – we know that ‘not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

“We are also aware that, ‘many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity’.

“Besides, Ize-Iyamu’s sacrilegious statement has been condemned by well-meaning Edo residents including Mr Elempe Dele.

“According to Elempe, ‘you said your ‘God’ asked you to ‘pursue and recover all without fail’, I mean ‘your’ purported mandate – was it the same ‘God’ that also said you should disburse cash to induce electorates to vote for you?

“Did you also sought the face of God over Dasuki’s N700,000 million before you collected it – has God asked you to return it or not?

“Should a self-styled man of God, I mean Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu of the PDP bribe, and induce electorates instead of allowing them to vote their conscience. I think there are people who must be kept perpetually from the corridors of power and top on the list is Ize-Iyamu because of his desperation to become a governor in a state where the people have a sense of history.

“We can all see how he paid some youth (some who actually voted for APC in the just concluded election) for the protest. These were youth the government he was a major player could not provide jobs for throughout the 8 years he was in power with the infamous Lucky Igbinedion.”

The statement also quoted Elempe as saying: “I need Ize-Iyamu to tell us, in all honesty, what he intends to achieve with this charade called protest he orchestrated with some few fallen members.

“It is known you are a lawyer, who had never practised anywhere; are you now going to be practising in the courts of public opinions as a ‘protesting lawyer’ when there are courts of competent jurisdiction or the tribunal to seek redress if you have enough evidence to your imaginary claims that you won the election?”

The statement reminded Ize-Iyamu that “Godwin Obaseki has been declared the winner and a certificate of return has been issued to him and his deputy, Philip Shaibu; does Ize-Iyamu think INEC would upturn their decision based on his protest?

“There are over 2500 polling units (PUs) during the election, ideally, you were supposed to have PDP agents in all PUs, known to you and PDP and who are expected to submit the duplicate (pink) results that were given to them by INEC on the spot where the results were counted and announced. Are the results with them different from the ones announced by INEC?

“If you (Ize-Iyamu) received the results, as collated and announced at each polling unit, in the presence of your supporters, particularly your agents, that means you must have known the results the night before INEC announced it, why not publish what you have let the world see it?”

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