GAURAPAD LAXIN (Sold for #3,000.00)

Gaurapad Laxin is a formula from Ionic Research. It is a natural, rapid action solution for constipation relief, based on advanced deep penetration (transdermal technology).

The bioavailability of Gaurapad Laxin is high because it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Transdermal medicine is an effective way of administering remedies rapidly into the body.

Transdermal medicines do not lose their potency because they are not broken down by stomach acids, digestive enzymes and the liver.

Directions for Use:
Clean the navel. Peel off the protective paper and discard. Stick the Gaurapad Laxin to the naval and leave it on for 24 hrs, then replace. Massage your abdomen for 3 minutes twice daily and take a glass of water after each massage.

Dosage: 1 per day. Maximum dose is 6 days continuous use.

Ingredients: Bio-magnet, RHHW, tangerine peel, bark of officinal magnolia

Sold for #3,000.00

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