5 best ways to start a conversation with a woman

There are lots of men in the society who have issues walking up to women and asking them out. They are constantly hit by the fear of being rejected and embarrassed by women.

Some men have worked that into their habits and do not have the courage to walk up to women. There are a number of factors responsible for this. However, it is good for a man to have the confidence to walk up to women and express himself irrespective of the fact that he could be turned down.

Some men get turned down because of their manner of approach; some are boisterous, boring and totally off point. Some men do not even know how to read the moods of the women they want to approach. They simply walk towards them and fumble.

Women want men who are confident and sure of themselves. It is normal for them to be irritated when guys walk up to them and stutter all through. Women are always in constant search of an adventure; they want men who are interesting and creative. Not some guy who is a weakling and does not know what to do with his life.

Most women determine whether they want to go on a date with a man judging from the outcome of their first conversation. That is why it is so important for men to hit the women on the right spot by engaging them in a good conversation.

Find below the simple ways in which men could start a conversation with women in order to avoid rejection:

1. Be aware of things happening in your surrounding

It is sad that many people in the society do not pay attention to details. It is important for you to know what is happening around you.

Tune in your mind, learn to see things and people from the corner of your eyes. This way, you would know how the ladies around you feel about you before you walk up to them.

When you are aware of your surrounding and the people there, you can make predict how a lady would react if you walk up to her.

2. Speak to yourself

This may be a little bit strange but then it works. No one is asking you to rant to yourself nonstop; this would scare her and make her feel like you have mental issues.

However, thinking out loud when it is just the two of you would get her attention. She would be prompted to reply and correct your opinion about whatever it is you have said. This is because the lady would be conscious of not striking you as a rude person.

3. Wait for the response

After you have made the move of thinking out loud, you have to wait for her response. If you do not get any response, someone may be having a bad day. If you are not bothered about being embarrassed, you can push it.

Otherwise, you can move on, you did not speak directly to her in the first place so you should not feel bad. Waiting for the vibe would make you discover more about the lady you are trying to reach out to. She could be a shy person so it could take extra effort reaching out to her.

4. Be well groomed

Another way you can be sure your chances of starting a conversation with an attractive woman would be well received is when you are properly dressed and well groomed.

Have a nice haircut and a clean shave, women want men who are responsible. The way you dress is the way you would be addressed.

Your aura would always make a woman respond to you because you have passed the initial test. Ensure you are not looking like one of the generic and boring guys who are driven by testosterone.

5. Go weird or sarcastic

Everyone enjoys meeting strange and weird people from time to time; however, be sure to read the lady’s personality and mood before you launch your sarcasm on her.

But once you have discovered she is approachable, you could be witty or sarcastic. Her response would tell you which line to follow.

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