MEND says Nnamdi Kanu agreed to renounce Biafra in secret

MEND says Nnamdi Kanu agreed to renounce Biafra in secret

The group says his agreement to renounce the Biafran course was in exchange for his freedom

MEND stressed that Kanu’s freedom is a key factor in its negotiation with the Federal Government

Nnamdi Kanu renounced Biafra in secret, says the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger-Delta (MEND).

MEND said on Monday, August 15 that the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) renounced ‘Biafra’ in exchange for freedom, only to act hypocritically in public after sealing discussion with MEND on the matter.

Vanguard reports that spokesperson of MEND, Jomo Gbomo, in a vitriolic statement, said: “The attention of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has been drawn to the recent spate of hypocritical and provocative statements issued by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and its leader, Nnamdi Kanu,”.

The group said the IPOB/Kanu statements “purport to dissociate IPOB/Kanu from some of the concessions, which have so far been secured by MEND in the ongoing talks aimed at resolving the current Niger Delta crisis between the Federal Government and MEND.”

In its words, the group said: “MEND hereby uses this opportunity to inform the entire world that following the group’s ongoing negotiations with the Federal Government, Nnamdi Kanu has made it clear that he is willing to renounce “Biafra” in secret; in exchange for his freedom.”

“MEND and the Federal Government have, however, flatly rejected the IPOB/Kanu hypocrisy to remain defiant in public; while accepting to secretly renounce secession.”

It asserted: “MEND, therefore, urges the already frustrated and desperate Mr. Kanu and IPOB to swallow their pride and make a public denunciation of ‘Biafra.”

The group argued that the public denunciation by Kanu was important so as not continue deceiving the gullible donors and followers sold to the illusion of a ‘Biafra Republic’ that aims to annex the Niger Delta region as part of its territory.

It said there was need for them (donors and followers) to “become fully aware that the so-called ‘Biafra Republic’ is merely a business venture and scam whose sole beneficiaries are Kanu, directors of IPOB and their families and cronies.”

Meanwhile, the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) have challenged the Nigerian military to a battle in the creeks.

The group dared the military to come after them in the creeks to show who is who rather than remaining in the comfort zone of the cities.

A statement by NDA’s spokesman, Muddoch Agbinibo, said no member of the group had been arrested by the Navy, as widely claimed in the media.
Agbinibo maintained that the household of the militant group remained intact, adding that it was unfortunate that the military was busy killing innocent souls in the region in the name of looking for Avengers and illegal bunkers.

“If the Nigeria military is serious about arresting NDA let them come to the creeks of the Niger Delta, that is where we dwell not the city.

“If I (Brigadier General Moduch Agbinibo) were the Commanding Officer NNS Delta (Commodore Joseph Dzunve) and commander of the so-called Operation Delta Safe (Rear Admiral Joseph Okojie), I would have been in the creeks instead of sitting in the comfort of my air-conditioned office,” the statement read.

Agbinibo warned elders in the region to be careful of the antics of the Federal Government, adding that the government was not sincere about any negotiation to end hostilities and bring about the needed development of the region.

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