James Ibori to appeal conviction

New evidence showing there was a corruption cover-up has rocked James Ibori’s case

He is expected to appeal his conviction

The former governor was convicted of corruption-related charges

It seems Chief James Ibori is getting tired of prison life as he is set to launch fresh appeals against his conviction in London.

The former governor of Delta who had earlier escaped conviction in Nigeria was sentenced in the UK after he was found guilty of money-laundering charges alongside his associates.

In a report by BBC however, it was disclosed that Scotland Yard and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) covered up evidence of police corruption regarding the Ibori case.

Vanguard reports that Tony Eluemunor who is the head of Ibori’s media team said that the behaviour of the British Crown Prosecution Service was shocking.

“The case demonstrates the truly shocking behaviour of the British Crown Prosecution Service.

“Despite the over whelming evidence of corruption by British anti-corruption officers, it continues to prosecute James Ibori and others when it now has in its possession evidence as to the source of his funds. It is believed that Ms. Saunders’s position is now untenable. As the Director of Public Prosecutions she has engineered a shocking cover-up.”

In a BBC reports,  it revealed that Ibori’s defence claimed the prosecutor had misled judges about evidence that support Ibori’s corruption.

“The previously undisclosed material came to light after the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders, demanded a review into the conviction of Nigerian politician James Ibori.

“The internal investigation followed allegations by defence lawyers that prosecutors had “wilfully misled” judges about the existence of evidence that could support corruption claims. Now defence solicitors are being sent previously unseen documents discovered during the review.

“In a statement the CPS reveals how “the review team found material to support the assertion that a police officer received payment in return for information”.

“The review team has now concluded that this material should have been disclosed to the defence and the process of disclosure to relevant parties is under way.”

“Prosecutors had previously denied there was any undisclosed material to support the corruption allegations and the admission that considerable documentation exists and should have been handed over, represents an embarrassing climb-down for the CPS.”

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