3 Natural ways to exfoliate

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the uppermost skin layer and should be done often. Check out natural way to.

Exfoliation essentially removes dead skin cells from the uppermost skin layer.
Exfoliating the face and body regularly rids the skin of excess dead skin revealing youthful, visibly smoother, softer and glowing skin. Exfoliation can be done at home or at a spa. At home loofahs, scrubs and more can be used to exfoliate.

There are however other ways to exfoliate, some may include chemical peels but asides that the procedures can't be done as often, don't come cheap, it's highly recommended that licensed hands should perform them.

Exfoliation is particularly important to be done to reveal newer skin often as well as get rid of grimes and dirts that may clog the skin. After exfoliation, the skin feels renewed and rejuvenated almost immediately.

Check out 4 natural ways to exfoliate:

1. Oatmeal, Wheat Flour

Coarse foods like oatmeal and whole-wheat flour  work as great remedies to exfoliate.

How to:

- Mix oatmeal or wheat flour with milk or yoghurt to form a paste.

-Apply paste on cleansed face in short circular motions and leave on for about 20mins

- Wipe off with damp face towel and let skin airdry

2. Pawpaw

Pawpaw is great for exfoliating and helps brighten the skin, the enzymes in pawpaw reveal fresh skin without being harsh on the skin.

How to:

-Mash pawpaw into a clean bowl

-Apply the mashed pawpaw on cleansed face and leave on for about 20 minutes

-Wash and moisturize as usual

3. Olive oil and Salt

How to:

-Add salt to olive oil to form a paste

-Apply the paste to cleansed skin in short circular motion

-Wash off after 20 minutes

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