Amazing things you can do with aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant species that grows wild in tropical climates around the world. The potentials of this plant are being explored both for the medicinal and agricultural uses.

As a potted plant, many people use it for decoration as it is often grown in homes and offices. Aloe vera is being used mainly in the cosmetic industry as it is being used as an active ingredient in the production of skin lotion, ointments for minor burns and sunburns and in the production of juice.

This plant is a short-stemmed succulent one which grows to about 24 to 39 inches in height. The leaves are thick and fleshy and range from colour green to grey-green. Some varieties are dotted with white flecks on their upper and lower stem surfaces.

This plant has leaves that are serrated with small white teeth that are spiky. These leaves contain phytochemicals and also elements of anthraquinones like lectins and emodin. Although aloe vera is popularly known as an ornamental plant because of its resistance to insect pests, people also use it for the medicinal purposes.

They do well with low natural rainfall because of the succulence of the leaves. Apart from the gel in the aloe vera plant being used for skin care products, it is also used for making hair products. The leaves contain over 90 percent of water with minerals, essential vitamins, nutrients, and phytonutrients make the remaining percentage.

See some of the things aloe vera plant may be used for below:

1. The health benefits

Aloe vera can be taken for the health benefits that it has. It aids digestion and could also be taken as a source of minerals and vitamins.

This plant has been used for treating various skin ailments as it has a good effect on the skin. It is known for its anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

2. For skin treatment

When aloe vera is to be used for skin treatment, the gel is to be extracted and applied directly on the skin. It serves as a moisturizer for cracked and dry skin.

Stretch marks could also be reduced when this gel is being rubbed on those spots. In addition to doing this, it also helps to clear minor scars.

When there are insect bites, burns, skin rashes, wounds and inflammations, the aloe vera gel can be added to the affected spots.

3. For replenishing the body

Aloe vera can be used for making the aloe juice that can be gotten by squeezing the gel from the leaves and adding vitamin C powder to it.

This can be blended with water to make the juice. When this juice is taken regularly, it helps boost the immune system and revitalize the body.

Diabetic patients can take this juice as it helps produce more insulin while lowering the glucose level. Digestive problems can also be cured when the juice is taking.

4. For healthy growth of hair

Aloe vera can be used for cultivating healthy hair. It is an active ingredient in most hair shampoos and conditioners.

The gel contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E that enhance the growth of hair. To get the best of aloe vera for your hair, apply the gel on your hair and work it into your hair. This will prevent hair loss and enhance the healthy growth of hair.

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