Relationships - Maybe she doesn't love you for the right reasons

On what ground is your relationship built? What is the real reason why you married that your spouse?

This article isn't really just for men. It is for women as well. How do you know someone who's with you for only the right reasons?

Some lady once said to me, if a guy tells a girl that he loves her, only because he wants to get himself into her panties, he’s the worst loser of all time.

If that is true [and I fear it is], that means we have many losers roaming around these days, and not all of them are male.

Truth is, there are far too many relationships [including marital relationships] existing for the wrong reasons, and some being proposed on the grounds of untrue emotions.

A rich guy takes his time, wondering if indeed the many girls saying they love him actually love him, or the financial reward they would be getting from being with him.

Many women have found out, a bit too late, that what some guys really loved about them, was the idea of feeling up, and filling up their voluptuous bodies.

The bigger problem in all these is that, many of these people who love for the wrong reasons are very good pretenders and you do not get to know their true intent until you give in and it’s maybe too late.

So, in the midst of all these deceit, how do you determine someone who loves you for the wrong reasons?

While a proper consideration of your personal situation will give you the perfect answer that suits you, this inconclusive list below will go a long way in pointing out someone who just might be with you for the wrong reasons:
They don't tell you much about their life

Even married people are not exempted from suffering this fate.

* Huge gap in the effort you both put into the relationship

You’re the one really  invested in working hard to make things work between you both.

* You don't think they're really happy

Sometimes, they even make this all too obvious. Heartless bunch.

* They talks about a need for space

In which healthy, normal relationship do people demand space?

* The relationship has an end date

Maybe he’s only hanging around till that pregnancy in you turns into a baby he can hold, and he’ll be on his way. For good.

Or she's waiting to get that promotion at work and dump your backside, because [obviously] that was why she hunted you down and made you fall in love with her.

* Your sex life will be below par

Especially if they do not find you attractive and are with you only because of social standing and/or money.
They really don’t care much

[See 3 above]

* You often have to bind them by their duty

You often have to remind her that she needs to stay because if she does not, who’s going to take care of your two kids?

Or you've often had to remind him of his wedding vows…

* They only cozy up to you when they need to have sex

And of course, they withdraw significantly when they’ve had their itch scratched.
They demand too much money

Financial gain is one of the biggest reasons why people fake emotions, just to get with someone.

If your spouse/partner treats you like a personal ATM, that could actually be why they are ‘in love’ with you

Do you completely trust your partner's intentions in your relationship?

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