What your marriage line can tell about your love life

Many women would like to know when they are going to get married and what their marriage will be like.

Chiromancers offer to read it on their palms. It is always better to consult an expert, if you believe in palmistry, but you may also learn some basics from this article.

How to read the palm?

Read the right palm, if you are a right-hander, and the left palm, if you are a left-hander. Find the line on the sharp of your hand just below the littlefinger. This is your marriage line. There can be several lines, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to have the same number of husbands. First things first.

According to chiromancers, the marriage line has to do not only with marriage, but with sexual relationships in general. The number of these lines means the number of your long-time partners. Marriage line is associated with love liasons, their duration, character and end. Its length, width, relief and special signs can tell a lot about any of your romantic relationship.

Meaning of the line

The long marriage line means long relationship. If the line is short, it means a short, but possibly happy romance.

Width and relief of the line shows happiness. If it is deep and broad, it means a passionate union.

If you can barely see your marriage line, it means unrequited love or insencere feelings.

Special signs will tell about the quality of relationships.

It’s very bad, when the marriage line crosses the fate line. It means widowhood.

If the marriage line goes lower and crosses the head line, it means fighting and violent relationship.

Star on the marriage line means happiness, loyalty and mutual respect.

If marriage line forks in the end, it means divorce.

The chaining marriage line means complicated relationship, quarrels and conflicts between partners.

The interrupted marriage line means on again off again relationship.


The marriage line can also show the number of your future children.

Short vertical branches of the marriage line mean children. These lines show, what in what marriage you are going to have children, and their number.
Cheating and divorce

If a short line parallels the marriage line, it means cheating. However, it can also mean a short romance before or after marriage. When the marriage line looks twined by the barely seen line, it is the real sign of infidelity.

If the marriage line has short branches that look down (don’t mix them with the children lines), it means disappointment.

A cross on the marriage is the sign of terminated relationship. It can also mean divorce beyond the spouses’ power.

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