You won't enjoy love if you believe these things

You need to let go of certain fallacies you have in your head, if you really are serious about being in a relationship

These relationship myths are quite common and have been said over and over again, it’s no wonder most of you believe them.

But keeping up in this belief will hold you back from the love and romance you desire with the man or woman who is truly right for you.

So, what are these lies?

Giving is equal to receiving

There isn’t nothing farther from the truth.

If you want to remain happy in your relationship, marital or marriage-intended, you need to understand that one spouse, one partner always gives more than the other.

That’s how it is in most relationships, and speaking from personal experience and that of those really close to me, it is better to realise which if the couple you are, and be perfectly ok with it.

The only problem, though, is if you are giving a lot of everything you have, and receiving significantly too little for your efforts, then I think your anger and show if discontent might be justified.

Dating must lead to marriage

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a myth and you should know better than getting sucked into it.

Yes, I know what your pastors told you last Sunday, and at all the singles programmes you’ve attended in your church and mosque.

Fall in love with a man and get married after a while, so say your parents, too.

Sadly, this is not true and don’t fall into that sham- it is not a rule set in stone.

Of course, dating and relationships will definitely lead to marriage, but not all dating lead to marriage.

So get your head out of the clouds, [especially you, ladies] and stop building lofty dreams with every guy that comes around.

Take your time, enjoy the relationship and let it grow into commitment, and later marriage.

This is because anything can happen. Anything actually happens most times.

Showing your feelings will scare them away

There’s a lie that has used and repeated at every turn – show too much emotion and the guy will take you for granted or leave you altogether.

This is especially applicable to women, and it's totally sad that several women ladies run by this rule.

That this happened to one woman does not mean it is a rule of dating.

I mean, many of us [Yes, I said we because I am in this category, too] love emotive, expressive women who are not scared or too shy to open up their hearts and love freely.

It inspires us to love deeper, too.

I really can’t explain how that works, but best believe that I am speaking the mind of several guys [your boyfriend’s included] as I type these words.

Bottom line is men love women that show emotion, it is drama we most often hate.

Which is the lie many people believe of these 3?

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